Roycroft Masters


  • The Foundation’s Roycroft Masters Program is designed for MD & DC-based credit unions with approximately $100 million or less in assets. Roycroft Masters are recognized professionals who have been actively engaged in the credit union movement and who offer short-term assistance on a voluntary basis. There is no fee for credit unions’ participation in the program.

    The Roycroft Masters Program is designed to allow participating credit unions to benefit from the experience of their paired advisor and a fresh perspective on issues.

    Advisory concentrations may include among other issues:
    • Building your loan portfolio
    • Governance issues
    • Starting or evaluating a new program or member service
    • Preparing for an NCUA examination
    Participating credit unions receive:
    • Initial on-site visit from a Roycroft Master
    • Follow-up advice/mentoring via telephone or email
    • Free access to LINX®, the WEB-based credit union forum for the exchange of advice, documentation, etc.
    This program, like all Foundation efforts, is made possible through the generosity of our donors. See a listing of our valued sponsors.