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Financial Education

The Credit Union Foundation MD|DC provides financial education programs that help credit unions educate and connect with the communities they serve.


Our college scholarship program makes it easy for you to help your college-bound members meet their tuition costs while strengthening your bond with those members.

Free marketing materials are available for promoting the Foundation Scholarship to your members.

Sponsor a Millionaire’s Club

The Millionaire’s Club teaches personal finance skills through entrepreneurial projects and a curriculum focused on lifelong money management. The clubs are based in high schools, colleges, and other community organizations.

Being a Millionaire’s Club Sponsor is an effective, economical means of connecting with young members and their parents. More information about Millionaire’s Clubs can be found on our dedicated Millionaire’s Club website.

Financial Reality Fairs

A Reality Fair is an interactive financial education experience where students participate in practical exercises in personal financial management, budgeting, and decision-making. It provides a unique opportunity for students to experience some of the financial challenges they will face when they start life on their own.

Participants identify their career choice and starting salaries, then complete a budget sheet requiring them to live within their monthly salary while paying for basics such as housing, utilities, transportation, clothing, and food. Additional expenditures such as entertainment and travel are factored in as well. Throughout the fair, there are many temptations for additional spending, and students must learn to balance their wants and needs to live on their own.

Reality Fairs are offered in partnership with the Baltimore, D.C., Suburban, and Western Chapters of the MD|DC Credit Union Association.