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The Foundation and Vizo Financial Announce New Vizo Financial Empowerment Grants

The CU Foundation MD|DC has announced a new financial empowerment grant for credit unions. Funded by a $50,000 grant from Vizo Financial Corporate Credit Union, the Foundation will offer grants up to $5,000 per credit union for programs that help their members attain financial stability, with a focus on removing barriers to economic and social advancement.

Grant-winning projects must have the potential to create a positive impact on the community served by the proposed initiative. Examples of credit union initiatives that will be eligible for grants include projects that:

  • Reduce dependence on predatory financial providers
  • Build and improve personal financial management/saving habits and wealth-building
  • Provide financial coaching to help individuals improve their creditworthiness and grow toward financial stability
  • Address healthcare access, housing stability, food security or nutrition education
  • Provide meal, health or hygiene product distribution programs for students

“We’re thrilled to be able to contribute to the furtherment of financial literacy through the CU Foundation MD|DC and our Financial Empowerment Grant program,” said Erin Doan, diversity, equity and inclusion director of Vizo Financial. “By offering these grants to their credit unions, the Foundation is giving them the resources to be a valuable financial partner for their members and their communities, solidifying their commitment to the credit union principle of concern for community and demonstrating their dedication to financial wellness for all, all of which strengthen our movement and the communities in the MD|DC region.”

“The grants will help credit unions provide members with access to programs that support economic growth and financial stability,” said John Bratsakis, executive director of The Credit Union Foundation MD|DC. We encourage credit unions to take advantage of this opportunity to empower their members to improve their financial well-being and thrive financially. We appreciate Vizo Financial’s support and commitment to the financial health of our communities in Maryland and DC.

Any credit union that is located in Maryland or the District of Columbia and/or is affiliated with the MD|DC Credit Union Association is eligible to apply for a Vizo Financial Empowerment Grant. 

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